Gloria Alvizo and Xavier Kerrand pose in front of the baldacchino in St. Peter’s Basilica after their wedding in the Chapel of the Choir on May 21, 2022.
In 2025, dating is difficult, including for Catholics.
Many of the complexities flow from the fact that Catholic dating has largely mapped on to an already...
Consider creative ways to show love, kindness and faith.
These fun family-friendly activities offer meaningful ways for everyone to show love, kindness and...
I kept my faith to myself for the first ten years of my marriage. My husband was an atheist, and although he came to Mass with me, he didn’t really get it, nor did he really want it. His questions...
This article is an excerpt from Italy’s Shrines and Wonders: Discovering Sacred Spaces, Fascinating Places, and Destinations Off the Beaten Path. Italy offers the unique opportunity to be in one...
A Guided Lenten Journal for Prayer and Meditation Join Catholic Link on a transformative journey with Sr. Josephine’s Garrett’s Lenten devotional, Wilderness Within: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer...